Grow 501c3 Launch Track Enrollment
Fill out this form to enroll in the launch track
I have signed up for the 12 month Launch Track with Church Fuel. This 12 month program provides me with services from Church Fuel’s partner for my church to receive its 501(c)(3) declaration and registration with the IRS. For my church to receive its 501(c)(3) declaration with the IRS, my church will receive from Church Fuel and its partner:
– Review of my church’s state articles of incorporation for compliance with IRS requirements
– Amendments or restatements to my church’s state articles of incorporation if needed.
– State filing fees for amendments or restatements to my church’s state articles of incorporation if needed.
– A conflict of interest policy for my church’s board of directors if needed.
– Review of my church’s bylaws.
– Completion and filing of my church’s IRS 1023 form for 501(c)(3) recognition and declaration by the IRS.
– The IRS filing fee of $600.
– Representation of my church to the IRS by a nonprofit attorney.
This service is non-refundable. Please do NOT continue if you are in a difficult financial position.
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