Even though it’s fairly normal for a church to accept digital donations and there are dozens of church-giving software solutions to enable these transactions, there’s still so much opportunity ahead of us.
In this post, I’m going to walk you through steps you can take that will help cultivate a giving heart in your church. These steps are: Talk about money; Model generosity; Cultivate relationships; Cast a vision; Share compelling stories; and Make giving easy.
Here are five shifts that leaders need to make in regard to how we talk about money in the church.
When you consider money and the church, and the larger principle of stewardship, here are three truths that might be hard to hear.
It’s appropriate to say a special thank you to those who have funded the ministry in a big way.
Here are three ways you can encourage more people to give online, and specifically, turn their donations into recurring ones.
You can’t make disciples without getting into financial stewardship. And you can’t lead a healthy and growing church without leading people into generosity. These two things go hand in hand. In more ways than one, the stakes are high.
Raising money in the church is a complicated issue, but it’s not an issue to avoid.
Many people are actually very generous, but may not be aware of how they can give to the church.
If you’re looking to increase overall giving, properly using online and mobile tools are the ticket.
We hope some of the practical tips and advice we share with you will lead you on a path that does away with the summer giving slump once and for all.
As a church leader, you can use email to talk about money, generosity, and stewardship in your church.
We believe that giving and tithing is expected for members of the church congregation. However, it is still our responsibility as leaders to show that we care about those who attend our church and are grateful for their generosity. Thanking givers is a simple gesture that can help you form relationships with them.
A lot of churches spend a ton of time, energy, and money trying to attract NEW donors when what they should do is invest more in our existing donor base. It might seem like the way to increase giving is to reach new donors, but that’s not the case. Developing your existing donor base is a better strategy.
For some of us, money can be a hard or awkward thing to talk about. It can make us uncomfortable. Or we can feel like we’re making other people uncomfortable. But the reality is—giving is a biblical principle. It is something that God calls His followers to
practice. And it is what allows church staff to continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
55% of pastors say that they’re concerned about their church’s financial health. It’s understandable—raising money and releasing resources is hard, and it’s likely that seminary didn’t prepare you for this task. The training, tools, and resources in The Giving Course will help you learn how to talk about money the right way with a developed communications plan, create an engagement strategy, choose the best giving platform for your church, and lead a fully funded church where you’re doing much more than meeting the budget.
This digital download resource, from our friends at INJOY Stewardship Solutions, is chock full of everything you need to conduct an incredible 90-Day Giving Challenge and help you move people into living a fully generous life.
You can edit this ready to use Year End Giving Letter to fit your church’s need using Microsoft Word and Mac Pages software. Questions? Contact your Ministry Coach for details on how to make this document work for you.
It’s easy for donor development and fundraising to feel sleazy or like a necessary evil. Hear from Evan Cox in this Live Class replay why he is convinced, that when done right, donor development is an act of service.
Just like the preacher should pray, read, and study— and just like the musicians should be scheduled and rehearsed in advance—someone needs to plan what is going to be said about the offering and who is going to say it. Click the link below to download our editable PDF to help you talk to your church about money.
A giving talk is a couple moments of focus to set up the offering. Whether people are giving online or in person, these short scripts can help you make these moments meaningful.
If giving is down and your church could use a financial plan overhaul, you’re not alone. But rather than just react to the present circumstances, churches need to respond in a way that sets up a better financial future. We want to give you a roadmap to lead your church to rebound your giving—not just to bounce back, but to move forward and prepare for the next season.
In this Live Class replay, Michael and Joe Sangl will give you several insanely practical ideas you can implement right away to increase giving in your church this year. They discuss how to create a cadence of talking about money the right way, practical ways to appreciate and encourage your existing donors, and how to involve other leaders in your church on the income-creation.
This spreadsheet will help you keep track of giving. You can edit this ready-to-use Giving Tracker to fit your church’s reporting needs using Microsoft Excel and Mac Numbers software. Questions? Contact your Ministry Coach for details on how to make this document work for you.
How can you best plan and utilize the opportunities you have to talk to people about generosity? The Generosity Framework is a simple exercise that helps you conceptualize all of your generosity-related ideas and plans for your church. It provides a foundation for outlining what to do and is a great starting point for your planning process while focusing on three essential areas: helping, asking, and thanking.
When it comes to generosity, it’s always appropriate and nearly impossible to overdo appreciation. Use this template as a way to thank first time givers when they give for the very first time.
Use this template to plan out the follow-up you’ll do with givers in your church. You’ll find text message templates, templates for handwritten notes, and three different email templates you can use to engage the givers in your church.
You can utilize this ready-to-use email sequence to follow up with new donors the right way. Feel free to use as is or edit the emails to better suit your church’s communications style.
When people in your church make key decisions, it’s important to follow up and help them take the best next steps. We created these booklets, printable or shareable in digital form, so you can put them in the hands of people in your church. This download comes with print-ready files, shareable PDF documents, and editable copies for maximum flexibility.
A great way to reach new givers is to highlight a cause. People who don’t yet trust the church will often believe in a cause. And a short-term time frame encourages people to act. In this case study, you’ll see that North Point Community Church does a great job at this with their yearly Be Rich campaign.
Need ideas on how to talk about giving in your services? Here are an additional 96 Giving Scripts that are ready to use in your church’s Sunday services. (Here’s the original 10 Giving Scripts). Feel to free to personalize it to fit your church’s needs, or print it off and use as is!
Need a giving boost? In this resource we’ll walk you through how to increase your recurring giving and ten steps to boost your digital giving.