Our Grand Opening!

🎉 We have identified 5 simple systems that accelerate church growth.

On May 16th we are going to reveal them live and we’ll show you exactly what they are, how they work, and which one you should focus on first.  We will even give you a custom step-by-step plan to start using it so you know exactly what to do in order to start getting new families in the door on Sunday.

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Ryan Wakefield

Ryan’s passion is to equip the local church with the tools to reach more people and the systems required to support sustainable growth. Ryan has helped over 71,000 church leaders to get more visitors through our courses, kits, and conferences.

Michael Lukazewski

Michael has spent more than 20 years in full-time ministry and is passionate about helping the local church create systems and processes that enable healthy growth. He’s the author of Streamline and one of the founders of Church Fuel. He lives near Atlanta with his family.

Chris Abbott

You’ll find Chris at the forefront of whatever method is going to help your church get more visitors- he’s passionate about keeping up to date with trends (so you don’t have to!) and finding new technologies that will make your life easier. If you’re ready to be inspired by what’s possible at your church, then check out his coaching inside Church Fuel!

🧰 It’s time to share everything our team is building on your behalf

At our Grand Opening, you’ll learn more about…
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We’re glad you asked! Our Grand Opening serves as an opportunity for church leaders to gather and celebrate the launch of our organization’s expanded resources, kits, and tools designed to help your church grow and welcome new members.
The Grand Opening is a virtual get-together that will take place on May 16th at 11:00 am CT. You’ll receive a link to the event as soon as you register!
Attending the Grand Opening allows you to access exclusive new resources, network with fellow members, and stay updated on the latest trends in church leadership.

Attendees can expect to participate in workshops, presentations, and demonstrations showcasing our latest resources, kits, and tools. There will also be different speakers and special offers available exclusively to event attendees.

You can register right here on this page! Just scroll up to the top. We’ll send you an email with follow-up instructions immediately after you sign up.

🎊 Isn’t Church Marketing University now connected to Church Fuel?

Yep! If you’re already on our email list or follow us on socials, you’ll know we’ve been talking about Church Fuel + Church Marketing University. For quite some time, our two teams have collaborated and championed each other as the go-to place for insanely practical resources and ministry-first marketing.

Our Grand Opening will celebrate our partnership and how we’re moving forward as one.

See the future of Church Fuel firsthand

We’re pausing to celebrate you, highlight what’s new, and inspire your church to continue impacting your community.

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