
Get Started with Grow

Offer ends Thursday, January 30th at midnight

4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership

In this course, Jenni Catron walks you through a framework for leadership that will be an anchor in your growth journey. Based upon her book, The Four Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership, this course will provide you with the secret to standout leadership found in the Great Commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”


No one approaches a position of leadership hoping to be average or mediocre. We all want to hone our skills, maximize our passion, and become extraordinary leaders. The question is: How? This session introduces the framework that will allow you to move from ordinary to extraordinary.

Leading Yourself

Unfortunately, it’s often true that the most difficult person to lead is the one in the mirror. The good news, though, is that there are proven steps you can take to lead yourself better. And when you do, you’re better equipped to lead others as well. This session will guide you through the keys of self-leadership.

Leading With Heart and Soul

If you want to lead with all of who you are, your heart and soul are the starting point. This session sheds light on what it looks like to lead with heart and to lead with soul and gives you practical opportunities to develop in these dimensions.

Leading With Mind and Strength

When you engage your leadership with your mind and strength in addition to your heart and soul, you access the depths of who you are in order to lead in extraordinary ways. This session will empower you to lead with your mind and strength, providing vision and strategy for those entrusted to you.