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Pastor’s Book Club - Blue Ocean Strategy: Book Breakdown

If you’ve been around for a while, you know strategy can be a clarifying factor for your church. It’s the bridge between vision and execution, and it’s where you answer the important “how” questions of church leadership. The ideas in this book, a classic among the business strategy books, provide a different way to look at competition. And while you’re not competing with other churches, you’ll still see the opportunities here. Ultimately, finding blue oceans are about finding new ways to reach people; which is something every church leader should attempt. We’re not seeking innovation for the sake of change, but for the sake of the mission. As you read through the notes, when you hear about target market, think about the unchurched people you want to reach. When you hear about competitors, think about all the other things people are doing that don’t lead them to fullfilment. Truly, the fields are ready for harvest.