Step 1

Your'e in! 🎉 Welcome to your Ultimate Easter Workshop + Kit. Watch this video first!

Thursday, 11 AM - 12:30 PM CT

Ultimate Easter Workshop Thursday

This live workshop will walk your church through an invite game plan designed to double your church's attendance this Easter. 🎁 Attend live this Thursday and unlock your Church Fuel Starter Test Drive! 🤯

Workshop Notes

Joining us for the upcoming Easter Workshop? Download all the notes so you can follow along.

Test Drive

Attend the Ultimate Easter Workshop this Thursday at 11am to unlock your Church Fuel Starter Test Drive! 🎉

Workshop Bonus

The Ultimate Easter Kit

We've got a plan and all the resources to help you have your best Easter yet!


Live this Thursday at 11am Central!

Attend live and unlock your Church Fuel Starter Test Drive!

March 6

Easter Grow Workshop

Step 3


We've got all the scripts, tech, and resources you need to plan for visitors, follow-up with them, and get them connected fast!

Congregation Invites

Check out all the Easter Kit Resources

Good Friday Graphics