To the Pastor Who Wants To Get More Sunday Visitors:

Get started with Grow and start seeing new visitors at your church every week

It's working right now for over 1,000 Church Fuel churches

Grow is currently open for special enrollment through January 30th

To the Pastor Who Wants To Get More Sunday Visitors:

Give me 90 minutes and I’ll walk you through a month-by-month visitor plan that actually works!

(And is working right now for over 1,000 Church Fuel churches)

Growing a church doesn’t happen by accident...A growing church takes hard work and a plan.

Aim for healthy, steady, sustainable growth

Because of Grow...we are ministering directly to more people than at any time in our history. The normal outflow of that is all the things you'd expect--dramatic increases in decisions, guests, baptisms, people serving, etc. It's been transforming for our church. You should consider it.. wait no, just go all in.


HISplace Family Church

From the desk of Ryan Wakefield

Church Fuel Director

You got into ministry because you love to see God transform lives. And you want to see that happen each week in your church. 

But seeing more transformation often starts by getting the word out to more people in your community! You see, the number of people at your church this Sunday is simply a direct reflection of the number of people that you invite to church. 

Simply said…If you want more visitors, you need to invite more people. 

In fact, you need to figure out how to invite WAY more people! God is at work through your church and people in your community need to be in a Jesus-centered church! 

The good news is we’re currently helping 2,340 churches build what we call an Automatic Invite System. This is just want it sounds – it is a repeatable way to invite people every hour of the day, every week of the year – even if you don’t have a big team, budget, know how, or already feel stuck or overwhelmed. 

If you want more visitors, you need more invites…and that’s why you need to get an Automatic Invite System ASAP. 

Your Automatic Invite System Is Like Your 24/7 Outreach Pastor

Your church should ALWAYS BE INVITING. The Bible tells us to go out into our communities and compel people to come be a part of a local church!

The Right Visitor System

The right visitor system doesn’t just bring your church more visitors, it also:

Gives you clarity on your vision, mission, and values

Gets your congregation excited about inviting

Leads with a prayer based ministry first approach

Works for your church all year long

Fits normal sized churches that don’t have a huge staff or big budgets

Builds the faith of your church by welcoming new people each week

The #1 Mistake Frustrated Church Leaders Keep Making:

When your church isn’t seeing as many visitors as you’d like, you just keep trying more and more stuff.

“I saw this idea at a conference, let’s get it going!”

“Maybe if I just get this curriculum, or sing these songs, or dress this way…”

“I was up late last night, and I decided that maybe we need to start a program that…”

This is the never-ending treadmill of ideas that increase confusion and overwhelm in your team and congregation! You’re going to waste time and energy and throw money at “silver bullet” ideas, all while never solving your problem.

You send out an expensive mailer and hope people show up. You hack your way through a Facebook ad and then get frustrated with the engagement. You encourage your people to invite their friends and family, and nothing changes.

The difference between having an Automatic Invite System and trying to create random buzz is like the difference between having a sprinkler system or watering your lawn by hand.

Sure, it’s going to get watered if you use a hose, but you’re not going to get a healthy lawn. You need to have a system in place.

Not Just Any System

But you don’t want to just guess on how to build a visitor system. You’ll save so much time and frustration if you can get a proven plan. 

You want a plan that is currently working for lots of normal sized churches in all sorts of unique situations. 

You want a plan that is rooted in scripture, points people to Jesus, and keeps the main things the main things.

Do you currently suffer from best-kept-secret syndrome?

It’s awful when you feel like your church is the best-kept secret in town. God is moving, but it’s like no one outside your four walls can see it! 

You have amazing services, messages, ministries, outreaches and events but there’s never enough time to invite the community to be a part. 

And keeping up with the demands of ministry often means you don’t have time to get the word out about your church.

Plus, you don’t have the luxury of spending all day exploring new solutions that get more people to show up on Sunday. Or worse, You’re caught up on a never-ending treadmill of activity that doesn’t get you anywhere.

So, you keep doing what you’ve always done, hoping one day it’ll change or you’re jumping from one silver bullet idea to another and nothing is working. 

Churches need a simple path forward to reach more people each week, but that won’t happen by accident. Good news! There is a way that gets results but doesn’t leave you empty and exhausted. 

You need an Automatic Invite System working 24/7 to send visitors to your church.

Introducing the Church Fuel Grow Program

The proven visitor system to grow your church in a healthy, sustainable way, for years to come. 

…because the people in your community need to be in a church…so let’s invite them!

It’s time to get your church a visitor system that brings in new faces every single week.

Got our Grow ads submitted, and 10 days later we had 3 out of 4 guests come to Keystone who all said they found out about us thanks to Google! Had to be the ads because we have never had that many people organically coming due to Google ever before. Fun to see the fruits of this system already reaching people that are seeking God!

Alicia Somers

Keystone Church

I’m just wondering if you can help us turn off the Trunk or Treat [Google] ads for now?

The pre-registrations that we’ve received are so overwhelming that we’ve exceeded our venue capacity and that we need to stretch our manpower to make the events happen.

We’re a church of 250-350 people and we were only expecting about 300-500 guests. Now, we’ve had around 1000 people pre-registered! Praise God for that!… I’ll let you guys know if my boss decides to turn the ads back on again!

Ryan Hung

Thrie Church

The Grow Program has been instrumental to our church growth! We have had 600 more people in monthly attendance over the last 6 months!

Brian Eaves

Mission Viejo Christian Church

When You Enroll


As soon as you enroll you’ll book a call with your Grow account representative.


Our team will help you apply for and secure the $120,000/year in grant funding from Google.


We’ll then set up your church’s Automatic Invite System - $10,000/month in Google Ads Management


You can meet one-on-one with your account rep, ministry coach, or specialist to make sure you get the most out of the Grow Program.


Every week we meet together as a group to help you keep making progress reaching as many people as possible.

The Ingredients

The Grow program is all about helping your church always be inviting! There are five essential types of invites that all work together to help you grow – we cal them the Grow Five:

Congregational Invites

Online Invites

Ministry Invites

Event Invites

Search Invites

You create sustainable momentum when you active all five.

But we have a small team...

Now, you might be thinking: this sounds GREAT! But what if I don’t have a ton of time or a big team right now?

That’s what’s awesome about this program!  Our team sets up and runs the invites for you. When you’re ready or as your team grows, the program will grow with you. 

Just ask these church leaders:

Fall Festival went from 75 kids to 400 kids…zero other advertising other than Google. Christmas had 850 on campus and 400 online compare that to 2019 pre-pandemic when we only had 600 on campus and zero online!

Jenifer Swindell

“Thanks for coaching us through Easter. We’ve got at least 3 new families coming back this Sunday for “Pancakes with the Pastor.” Thanks for the Roof-top candy drop idea! Got a lot of buzz in our community.

Regular attendance 65, Easter attendance 140, click to website from selfie Facebook ad = 600!”

Blake Nichols

Waller Baptist Church

The Google Grant has opened so many doors and made our church more visible especially since we live in a highly populated area. As a pastor, the real blessing is watching life change happen to people who find and follow Jesus. This Grant gives us the ability to reach more souls that are in desperate need of the new life Jesus offers.

Antonio Ramquar

Lead Pastor, New Life Rehoboth Church

See why our churches are so thrilled about Church Fuel!

We’re obsessed with helping churches get visitors. That’s why we created Church Fuel Grow as the best-of-the-best program from all our years of experience. We’ve eliminated everything that doesn’t help you get more visitors every week.

Enroll in Grow TODAY!

$399 a month special ends January 30th!

Priced for Normal Sized Churches

Getting a legit visitor system takes hard work and a financial investment. But if local missions is a priority for your church, then it is doable for a normal sized church. 

That’s why the first thing we do when you enroll in Grow is get you the Google Ad Grant Funding. That is going to get you access to over $120,000 a year invite budget! 

Second, our team of 27 visitor obsessed experts then sets up and runs the system for you. 

Now it’s like your church has added a highly skilled staff member who comes WITH a six figure visitor budget. 

But that’s $200,000 in value – how can a normal sized church afford that?

Here’s what our experience has been after working with over 300,000 church leaders from normal sized churches. Almost all of them have at one point or another sent out a direct mail campaign to their community. 

For most churches it goes like this…We did a mailer to 10,000 homes near our church. We spent 50 cents a mailer all in – design, print, postage, time, etc. So $5,000 to invite people to church one time. 

And our fear is that most of them threw the mailer away and we’re not sure how many people showed up to church from it.  

Grow is based on our team’s collected years of experience in the trenches, working with churches and serving our local communities.  We’re focused on results and guiding you along the path that gets you traction the most quickly.

Absolutely!  Getting Grow when you’re first starting your church can help you create a strong foundation that leads to more visitors every single week.  We love working with church planters and have designed this process to help you get traction. 

Yes- we LOVE small, local churches and developed this program with you in mind. 

When you’re getting started, we’ll guide you through the path you need to take to start getting visitors every single week!  If you don’t have a website, you’ll start there.  Otherwise, we’ll get you started with the Google Ad Grant program!

Nope!  We do most of the heavy lifting for you, and you can move on to any more volunteer-intensive steps when you’ve started to grow.  (Plus, we’ll help you train your volunteers!)

Yes!  You entire team will have access to all the training, kits, and conference replays we offer.

Our team will walk you through every step of the process- no need to worry about your level of technical expertise!

Expect to be amazed.  Expect excellent customer service.  Expect to start seeing more visitors within 4 weeks after we get your Google Ad Grant up and running for you.

As long as you are paying your monthly or annual enrollment fee, you have access to Grow!  The longer you stay with the program, the more traction we can help your church build.

$399 a month special ends January 30th!

And because we LOVE helping your church grow, we have 6 additional gifts for you:

Featured Bonus

Full Access to Church Fuel

$1,800/year value

Thanks to the new integration of Church Marketing University and Church Fuel, when you sign up for Grow, you’ll receive full access to the amazing library of resources on

Bonus #1

Visitor Growth Engine

$2,997/year value

As a part of Grow, you get access to all of our on-demand resources! Unlimited access for your entire team. All the Kits, Conferences, Courses, and our signature Grow One Course.  

Bonus #2

Live Labs

$2,997/year value

In addition to managing your church’s Google Grant, we’ll show you how to take your church’s marketing to the next level!  For example, we’ll show you how to run the most effective church Facebook Ads!

Bonus #3

Social Media Ministry Guides

$997/year value

Every month, you’ll have access to 30+ ideas you can post to your church’s social media pages!  

Bonus #4

Annual Church Growth Plan

$2,997/year value

Our 12-month guide growing your church,  every month, breaking the year into two types of alternating seasons: Momentum Seasons and Ministry Seasons.

Everything starts and ends with prayer!

Bonus #5

Grow Community

$997/year value

Unlimited support and questions for your team. It’s like having a marketing department working at your church.  Plus, a group of 18K+ church leaders who are working to grow their churches, just like you!

Bonus #6

Everything You Need to Grow

$1,997/year value

Need a website to make your Google Ads run better?  That’s included!  Need a church texting platform to connect with those new guests?  That’s part of it, too!  We want you to have everything you need to get the most out of Grow.  

Grow is built on 3 essentials that every church needs to reach new people every single week:


Tap into the largest search platform in the world


Increase your church's marketing budget


Reach those who are searching

Your church needs a system so that you can always be inviting your community!

Read on to see how we can take the guesswork and stress out of how to tap into the power of Google search, add 10K to your church’s marketing budget every month, and reach people in your community who are looking for hope!